Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chicken Tortilla Soup for a Chilly Night

Shame on us.  We didn't cook ALL week.  One weekend away and we were totally thrown off schedule!  Needless to say, I will be kicking off my Groundhog Day with a looong visit to the grocery store - at least I know what I want to make, that's always half (err, 3/4) of the battle.  The beauty of this recipe is that everything I needed was already in my kitchen - doesn't get better than that with the sound of the wind whipping outside.

Homemade chicken tortilla soup is suuuch a nice way to warm up amidst the resurgence of this wintry weather.  AND how come no one ever told me that boiling chicken makes life in the kitchen so much easier?  I feel like I am really late to this party, but I am loving this new method.